Tags: service oriented science

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  1. Scaling Simulation Impact

    20 Dec 2007 | | Contributor(s):: Ian Foster

    This presentation was one of 13 presentations in the one-day forum, "Excellence in Computer Simulation," which brought together a broad set of experts to reflect on the future of computational science and engineering.

  2. Excellence in Computer Simulation

    19 Dec 2007 | | Contributor(s):: Mark Lundstrom, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Jeffrey C Grossman

    Computational science is frequently labeled as a third branch of science - equal in standing with theory and experiment, and computational engineering is now an essential component of technology development and manufacturing. The successes of computational science and engineering (CSE) over the...

  3. Chamaeleo: Toward Self-Managing Service-Oriented Applications

    17 Sep 2007 | | Contributor(s):: Brahim Medjahed

    Service-oriented computing is slated to shape modern societies in vital areas such as healthcare, government, science, business, and finance. It utilizes services as the building blocks for developing collaborative applications, known as service-oriented applications (SOAs), distributed within...

  4. Service-Oriented Science: Scaling eScience Application & Impact

    08 Feb 2006 | | Contributor(s):: Ian Foster

    My work is frequently motivated by the information technology concerns of "big science", a frequently fascinating source of problems for the computer scientist due to the broad scope and ambitious goals of many scientific communities. I speak here about work that seeks to rethink science's...