Chamaeleo: Toward Self-Managing Service-Oriented Applications

By Brahim Medjahed

University of Michigan, Dearborn

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Brahim Medjahed Brahim Medjahed is on the Computer and Information Science Faculty at the University of Michigan - Dearborn since September 2004. He received the Ph. D. degree in computer science from Virginia Tech in May 2004. He was awarded the 2004 "Outstanding Graduate Research Award" at Virginia Tech's Department of Computer Science. His research interests include service-oriented computing, semantic Web, workflow, and data integration. He has published several papers in international journals including IEEE Transaction On Knowledge and Data Engineering, The VLDB Journal, Distributed and Parallel Databases, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, IEEE Internet Computing, IEEE Intelligent systems, and IEEE Computer. He is guest-editor of special issue on "Semantic Web Services: Issues, Solutions, and Applications" for the ACM Transactions On Internet Technology (to appear in early 2008). He is a member of IEEE and AC

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  • Brahim Medjahed (2007), "Chamaeleo: Toward Self-Managing Service-Oriented Applications,"

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