Tags: scientific method

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  1. El Método Científico (Scientific Method)

    Teaching Materials | 24 Apr 2020 | Contributor(s):: Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Thomas Deits, Deb Newberry (editor), Rodfal A. Rodríguez (editor), María T. Rivera (editor)

    Utilizando el pez de celofán, los estudiantes aprenden y ponen en práctica el método científico. Observando, proponiendo y experimentando, los estudiantes ponen a prueba varias hipótesis del por qué el pez se dobla hacia arriba, se enrolla o no hace...

  2. Scientific Method

    Teaching Materials | 16 Apr 2020 | Contributor(s):: Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Thomas Deits, Deb Newberry (editor)

    In this module, students will use cellophane “fortune telling” fish to walk through the scientific method. The students learn and practice the scientific method by proposing, testing and observing what happens with their "fish". Students will test various...

  3. Questioning in Research: A Practical Guide to Have Cooperative and Constructive Argumentative Dialogue

    Online Presentations | 27 Jun 2017 | Contributor(s):: Pablo Daniel Zavattieri

    In this Lunch and Learn Session we are going to discuss ways to have collaborative and respectful dialogues in academic/scientific research. In particular, we will try to focus on how to question and challenge ideas while respecting our colleagues.