Scientific Method

By Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education1; Thomas Deits2; Deb Newberry (editor)3

1. Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education 2. Lansing Community College 3. Dakota County Technical College/Nano-Link: Center for Nanotechnology Education/Hysitron

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In this module, students will use cellophane “fortune telling” fish to walk through the scientific method. The students learn and practice the scientific method by proposing, testing and observing what happens with their "fish". Students will test various hypotheses to determine as to why the fish curl, roll up, or do nothing in their palm or on other surfaces.

This resource contains multiple documents for download including a Teachers Guide and Presentation Slides. To view a list of all documents click on the Supporting Docs tab.

Disponible en Español: El Método Científico.

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National Science Foundation

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Thomas Deits, Deb Newberry (2020), "Scientific Method,"

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Billie Copley

Dakota County Technical College/ Nano-Link: Center for Nanotechnology Education
