Rode's Method: Theory and Implementation

By Dragica Vasileska

Arizona State University

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This set of teaching materials provides theoretical description of the Rode's method for the low field mobility calculation that is accompanied with a MATLAB code for the low field mobility calculation for GaAs material at different temperatures and different doping concentrations. Note that the mobility calculated with the Rode method is the transport or the effective mobility whereas Hall measurements provide the Hall mobility. The ratio of the two gives the so-called Hall scattering factor. Thus, care has to be taken when mobility calculated using the Rode's method is compared against Hall mobility data, as they have to be corrected by the Hall scattering factor. The MATLAB code was written by Garrick Ng, a PhD student from Arizona State University.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Dragica Vasileska (2010), "Rode's Method: Theory and Implementation,"

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