Symposium on Nanomaterials for Energy: An Electrical Rectifier Based on Au Nanoparticle Array

By Giridhar U Kulkarni

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, India

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In contrast to the ‘colloidal state’, metal nanoparticles assembled onto a substrate as an ordered array represent a quasi 2D system where the interparticle coupling, depending on its strength, can give rise to collective properties, unique to the nanoparticle organisation. Thus, metal nanoparticle arrays are shown to exhibit a range of interesting properties such as metal-insulator transitions, magnetic transitions, single electron tunnelling, linear and non-linear optical responses. The nanoparticle arrays are usually obtained by self-assembly methods or by lithography processes. In this context, direct write techniques are becoming popular as they cut down the number of process steps and provide a better control on the nanomaterial property. This presentation will describe a highly versatile, single–step direct write EBL process employing a single source precursor, wherein the nucleation and growth of Au nanoparticles into close packed arrays takes place in confined boundaries defined by patterning. In particular, micron wide stripes of Au nanoparticle (size, ~25 nm) arrays have been fabricated which exhibit electrical rectifier action with high rectification ratio. The rectification properties can be tuned based on the e-dosage employed during fabrication. In addition, the transferability of the patterned arrays onto a polymer substrate is demonstrated, where the latter could undergo swelling and deswelling causing variation of interparticle spacing and hence the electrical transport. The rectification behavior is explained based on F-N tunneling along the conducting nanoparticle filaments present in the array.

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  • Giridhar U Kulkarni (2015), "Symposium on Nanomaterials for Energy: An Electrical Rectifier Based on Au Nanoparticle Array,"

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