R3 2.0.0

By Colin McAndrew

NXP Semiconductors

Compact model for polysilicon (poly) resistors, 3-terminal JFETs, and diffused resistors.

Listed in Compact Models | publication by group NEEDS: New Era Electronic Devices and Systems

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Version 2.0.0 - published on 21 Nov 2014 doi:10.4231/D3QB9V64G - cite this

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r3 is a compact model for polysilicon (poly) resistors, 3-terminal JFETs, and diffused resistors (which are really just JFETs, often with a large pinch-off voltage so they are fairly linear). Nonlinearity in poly resistors comes from self-heating and, to a lesser extent, from MOS action, where the potential difference between the resistor body and the semiconductor region underneath it modulates the conductivity of the body of the resistor. Nonlinearity in diffused resistors and JFETs also comes from self-neating and depletion region modulation with bias, although from pn-junction rather than MOS physics, and in addition from velocity saturation. r3 models all of these causes of nonlinearity, along with their geometry and temperature dependence, and also includes models for noise, statistical variation, parasitic capacitance, and parasitic leakage currents (which are primarily important for JFETs and diffused resistors). 

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