Tags: quantum systems

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  1. Quantum Control Over Diamond Spins with a Mechanical Resonator

    Online Presentations | 24 Jan 2018 | Contributor(s):: Gregory David Fuchs

    I will describe our experiments to coherently couple NV center spins to gigahertz-frequency mechanical resonators using crystal lattice strain. In high-quality diamond mechanical resonators, we demonstrate coherent Rabi oscillations of NV center spins driven by mechanical motion instead of an...

  2. What is Markovian and non-Markovian in Quantum Mechanics: New Approaches and Viewpoints

    Online Presentations | 15 May 2017 | Contributor(s):: Francesco Ciccarello

    While in classical physics the notion of what is Markovian or not is well defined, this is not the case when it comes to open quantum systems. What makes a quantum dynamics Markovian or non-Markovian (NM)? Traditional answers to this question involve the celebrated Lindblad master equation (ME)...

  3. Quantum Measurement Backaction: From Atoms to Optomechanics

    Online Presentations | 13 Oct 2016 | Contributor(s):: Mukund Vengalattore

    The act of measurement has profound consequences on a quantum system. As such, the evolution of a quantum system can be influenced and even controlled through the continuous measurement of its properties. I will describe our studies on such measurement-induced dynamics in systems ranging from...

  4. Photons as 'Glue' for Dissimilar Quantum Systems

    Online Presentations | 12 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s):: Oliver Benson

    Here we report on different photon sources, which could be part of a quantum hybrid architecture or which could provide the‘glue’for dissimilar quantum systems. The talk concerns on the one hand the integration of stable emitters as reliable sources and on the other hand the...