Tags: qdot

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  1. Simple Quantum Dot Lab (Web Interactive Front End)

    08 Jan 2024 | Contributor(s):: Daniel Mejia, Gerhard Klimeck

    Compute the eigenstates of a particle in a box of various shapes including domes and pyramids

  2. E304 L4.2.2: Nanomaterials - Nanostrucutes (dots, wires)

    Online Presentations | 18 Mar 2016 | Contributor(s):: ASSIST ERC

  3. Oxide Systems – An Answer to the Qubit Problem?

    Online Presentations | 08 Mar 2016 | Contributor(s):: Sudhakar Yarlagadda

    One can produce new oxide-based devices by exploiting their tunability, rich physics, and coupling between the various degrees of freedom (such as charge, lattice, spin, etc.). We propose that oxide-based double quantum dots with only one electron (tunneling between the dots) can be regarded as a...