Tags: power generation

All Categories (1-7 of 7)

  1. Solar Thermoelectric Generator Simulation Tool

    18 Oct 2022 | Contributor(s):: Tien Dao, Thiraj D Mohankumar, Je-Hyeong Bahk

    Simulate solar thermoelectric generator using both the Seebeck and Peltier Effect.

  2. Solar Thermoelectric Example File

    Downloads | 06 Jun 2022 | Contributor(s):: Tien Dao, Je-Hyeong Bahk

    This file is use for simulation of Solar Thermoelectric. In this file, user can upload their own thermoelectric material properties and run simulation. In order for the uploaded file to work, please remove all contents in row 1 and 2 and upload as such. Also, please pay close attention to your...

  3. Ted Rimstidt


  4. Piezo Nanomaterials and Green Energy

    Online Presentations | 19 Oct 2016 | Contributor(s):: Rusen Yang

    This presentation will introduce the fundamental principle of nanogenerator and its potential applications.

  5. Advanced Thermoelectric Power Generation Simulator for Waste Heat Recovery and Energy Harvesting

    Tools | 30 Jun 2015 | Contributor(s):: Je-Hyeong Bahk, Kevin Margatan, Kaz Yazawa, Ali Shakouri

    Tool to simulate thermoelectric power generation device/system with temperature-dependent material properties for waste heat recovery and wearable energy harvesting

  6. Robert Scott Mongrain


  7. Thermoelectric Generator Module with Convective Heat Transfer

    Tools | 14 Jun 2010 | Contributor(s):: Yuefeng Wang, Guoheng Chen, Michael McLennan, Timothy S Fisher,

    Electrical power density and efficiency of a thermoelectric generator with convective heat transfer on hot side and cold side is calculated.