Tags: nanofluidics

Resources (41-52 of 52)

  1. Optical BioMEMS Microfluidic Technologies for Hand-Held, Point-of-Care, Medical Devices

    Online Presentations | 23 Nov 2009 | Contributor(s):: James Leary

    Portable, point-of-care, medical diagnostic devices could provide an important new component in more cost-effective healthcare delivery. Rapid measurements of blood samples during an examination within a doctor’s office or in the field, could allow immediate appropriate treatment of medical...

  2. Illinois ME 498 Introduction of Nano Science and Technology, Lecture 11: Transport and Electrokenetics in Nanoscale Fluids

    Online Presentations | 07 Oct 2009 | Contributor(s):: Nick Fang, Omar N Sobh

    Transport and Electrokenetics Topics: Back to Constitutive Equations Coupled Heat and Electron Conduction Thermoelectric Cooling New Directions for Nano-Thermoelectricity State-of-the-Art in Thermoelectrics Hornet Skin: A Natural heat Pump Coupled Charge-Mass Transport in Fluid

  3. BNC Research Review: The Birck Nanotechnology Center-Progress, Opportunitiees, and Challenges

    Online Presentations | 04 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Timothy D. Sands

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  4. Tutorial for NanogromacsSenior

    Online Presentations | 28 Apr 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dairui Chen

  5. Controlling Membrane Organization: Effects of pH, Ions, and composition

    Online Presentations | 23 Mar 2008 | Contributor(s):: Jennifer Hovis

    Our main research interests are in determining, at the molecular level, how cell membranes are organized and how that organization relates to function. The primary molecular building blocks of cell membranes are lipids, amphipathic molecules that assemble into two opposed leaflets forming a...

  6. KIST/PU Phage Display Selection of Tissue-Specific Homing Peptides and their Theragnostic Applications

    Online Presentations | 23 Oct 2007 | Contributor(s):: Byung-Heon Lee

    Several homing peptides that are specific to tumor cells, artherosclerotic plaques, stroke lesion, apoptotic cells and phosphatidylserine have been isolated by phage display in our laboratory. For example, the Bld-1 peptide is specific to bladder tumor cells and the AP-1 to atherosclerotic...

  7. Introduction of MEMS Activity at Nano/Micro System Engineering Lab., Kyoto University

    Online Presentations | 15 Sep 2007 | Contributor(s):: OSAMU TABATA

    We are aiming at the realization of microsystems and nanosystems with novel and unique functions by integrating functional elements in different domains such as mechanics, electronics, chemistry, optics and biotechnology. These micro/nano systems are expected to be novel machines, which will...

  8. BNC Annual Research Symposium: Bio-Nanotechnology and Biomedical Devices

    Online Presentations | 23 Apr 2007 | Contributor(s):: Rashid Bashir

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  9. REBO

    Tools | 24 Jul 2006 | Contributor(s):: Wen-Dung Hsu, SeongJun Heo, jing xu, Susan Sinnott

    Reactive Empirical Bond-Order (REBO) potential is a many-body expression optimized for modeling covalently bonded materials, such as carbon and silicon, in large-scale atomistic simulations

  10. Nanofluidics

    Online Presentations | 15 Jun 2004 | Contributor(s):: Susan Sinnott


  11. Nanosystems Biology

    Online Presentations | 10 Sep 2004 | Contributor(s):: James R. Heath

    As we enter the 21st century, we stand at a major inflection point for biology and medicine-the way we view and practice these disciplines is changing profoundly. These changes are being driven by systems biology, a new approach to biology, and which will increasingly transform medicine from...

  12. REBO Nanofluidics Exercise

    Teaching Materials | 10 May 2006 | Contributor(s):: Susan Sinnott, Hetal Patel

    Nanofluidics exercise showing the variation of energy and position of methane and butane molecules flowing through an opened carbon nanotube as the system temperature and the length of the nanotube are varied.