
Run MATLAB The MATLAB tool on nanoHUB gives you access to the full MATLAB desktop, including most toolboxes, Simulink®, and Simulink- based products (product list).

This tag is for general MATLAB related materials such as scripts, documentation, etc. The tag that is specific to the R2021a version of MATLAB that is available on nanoHUB is MATLAB Tool.

All Categories (21-40 of 74)

  1. FeFET Memory Window Analytical Calculator

    Downloads | 16 Dec 2019 | Contributor(s):: Nicolo Zagni, Paolo Pavan, Muhammad A. Alam

    This code computes the Memory Window of a FeFET by using the Landau-Devonshire theory. The aim of this code is to illustrate: the derivation of the switching conditions the trends of MW scaling with ferroelectric thickness the design constraints to guarantee hysteresis the effect of...

  2. Introduction to MATLAB - Jupyter Notebooks with Octave 4.2.0

    Teaching Materials | 14 Aug 2018 | Contributor(s):: Abhishek K. Umrawal

    Teaching material for "Introduction to MATLAB" a 40-hour workshop for Summer Undergraduate Research students organized by the Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN), Purdue University, IN.

  3. MATLAB Tutorial

    Collections | 13 Jul 2018 | Posted by Jesse Lee Hoffman


  4. Suns-Vmp Method

    Downloads | 04 Jun 2018 | Contributor(s):: Xingshu Sun, Raghu Vamsi Krishna Chavali, Muhammad A. Alam

    This package contains the Matlab scripts to perform the Suns-Vmp method. The code has been tested in Matlab R2016a.

  5. Amr Waleed Shalaby


  6. AIDA: A tool for exhaustive enumeration of solutions to the quantized Frank-Bilby equation

    Downloads | 08 Jan 2018 | Contributor(s):: Ali Sangghaleh, Michael J. Demkowicz

    We present a tool called Arrangement of Interface Dislocation Arrays (AIDA) for enumerating all dislocation networks that satisfy the quantized Frank-Bilby equation for any interface between cubic crystals with a single-atom basis, i.e. FCC/FCC, BCC/BCC, and FCC/BCC interfaces. The set of...

  7. Abdelmoumene Laidouci

    Ph.D. in fundamental and applied physics at the department of physics, Saad Dahlab University “BLIDA1”.Education Ph.D. in Fundamental and Applied Physics (Physics), 2016 to 2022. (Algeria)Master’s...


  8. how to make hollow core fiber using matlab code?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    how to make hollow core fiber using matlab code to put all characteristics of this fiber ?


  9. M Flores


  10. Hydrogel based Biochemical Sensors

    Downloads | 08 Jul 2016 | Contributor(s):: Piyush Dak, Muhammad A. Alam

    This is MATLAB code for a Hydrogel based biochemical sensor:  The sensor is composed of a hydrogel sandwiched between a rigid porous membrane and a deformable membrane.  The hydrogel is pendent with the ionizable groups (with density, Nf and acid dissociation constant, Ka) which are...

  11. sugarcube-cad

    Tools | 18 Feb 2016 | Contributor(s):: Jason Clark, Quincy Clark

    CAD for MEMS via systems of compact models. This commercial tool is published by Sugarcube Systems, which requires a registration fee to use. The nanoHUB does not receive revenue or assume liability for the use of this tool.

  12. Recommended video lectures for beginners in Matlab and Python

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1


    I am master student in Material science and Nanotechnology, and would like to study MATLAB and Python in close relation with...


  13. Paul M



  14. how to simulate insulator in a GNRFET with matlab?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    I want to apply gate voltage on a graphene nanoribbon as a channel in a GNRFET. then I want to solve poisson equation but I need to know the voltage on channel as the boundary...


  15. Jeffrey E Kuhn


  16. MSE 498 Lesson 4: bash and MATLAB

    Online Presentations | 16 Mar 2015 | Contributor(s):: Andrew Ferguson

    This new course will give students hands-on experience with popular computational materials science and engineering software through a series of projects in: electronic structure calculation (e.g., VASP), molecular simulation (e.g., GROMACS), phase diagram modeling (e.g., Thermo-Calc), finite...

  17. MSE 498 Lesson 5: MATLAB

    Online Presentations | 16 Mar 2015 | Contributor(s):: Andrew Ferguson

    This new course will give students hands-on experience with popular computational materials science and engineering software through a series of projects in: electronic structure calculation (e.g., VASP), molecular simulation (e.g., GROMACS), phase diagram modeling (e.g., Thermo-Calc), finite...

  18. MSE 498 Lesson 9: DFT

    Online Presentations | 16 Mar 2015 | Contributor(s):: Andrew Ferguson

    This new course will give students hands-on experience with popular computational materials science and engineering software through a series of projects in: electronic structure calculation (e.g., VASP), molecular simulation (e.g., GROMACS), phase diagram modeling (e.g., Thermo-Calc), finite...

  19. A Graphene nanoribbon Feld-effect transistor Modeling

    Downloads | 11 Feb 2015 | Contributor(s):: Mohamed Zakarya Rashed

    We present an analytical device model for a field-effect transistor based on a heterostructure which consists of an array of nanoribbons clad between the highly conducting substrate (the back gate) and the top gate controlling the source-drain current. The equations of the model of a graphene...

  20. Baharak Mehrdel
