Hydrogel based Biochemical Sensors

By Piyush Dak1; Muhammad A. Alam1

1. Purdue University


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This is MATLAB code for a Hydrogel based biochemical sensor:  The sensor is composed of a hydrogel sandwiched between a rigid porous membrane and a deformable membrane.  The hydrogel is pendent with the ionizable groups (with density, Nf and acid dissociation constant, Ka) which are responsive to analyte  (say, proton) molecules. As the analyte concentration changes, the pressure exerted by hydrogel on deformable membrane changes. 
The analytical code solves for osmotic pressure induced on the deformable membrane as a function of the pH for different hydrogel compositions.
The numerical solution determines the time dependence of the induced pressure as the pH changes in the solution.


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[1].  "Numerical and Analytical Modeling to Determine Performance Trade-offs in Hydrogel based pH Sensors",  P. Dak and  M. A. Alam,  IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 63, 6 (2016) [2].  "A Predictive Model for Hydrogel Based Wireless Implantable Bio-Chemical Sensors", P. Dak and M. A. Alam, Device Research Conference (DRC) (June 21st - June 24th, 2015, Columbus, OH)

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  • Piyush Dak, Muhammad A. Alam (2016), "Hydrogel based Biochemical Sensors," https://nanohub.org/resources/24614.

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