Tags: high pressure

All Categories (1-4 of 4)

  1. Pressure-induced phase transformations database

    21 Sep 2023 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan, Ching-Chien Chen, Robert Joseph Appleton, Saswat Mishra

    A database and interface allowing people input and query pressure-induced phase transformations of materials.

  2. Cell Relax DFT

    10 Nov 2022 | Contributor(s):: Robert Joseph Appleton, Saswat Mishra, Kat Nykiel, Jason Wilkening, David Enrique Farache, Victoria Anne Tucker, Ching-Chien Chen, Chukwuma Ezenwata, Piyush Pathak, Alejandro Strachan

    Cell relax dft with quantum espresso

  3. Samuel Gallego Parra


  4. Kristie J Koski
