Tags: exciton

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  1. The Exciton Spectra Simulator of Photosynthetic Protein-pigment Complex

    08 Aug 2018 | Contributor(s):: Qifeng Chen, Yongbin Kim, Lyudmila V. Slipchenko

        The solar energy is one of the most successful alternative energy sources because of its unlimited availability and environmental friendliness. However, the energy transfer rate in artificial solar devices is significantly lower than the energy transfer rate in plants and...

  2. Exciton Dynamics Simulator

    Tools | 31 Dec 2012 | Contributor(s):: Michael Heiber

    Simulates the exciton dynamics in organic photovolatic devices

  3. Exciton Dynamics Lab for Light-Harvesting Complexes (GPU-HEOM)

    Tools | 18 Dec 2012 | Contributor(s):: Christoph Kreisbeck, Tobias Kramer

    Non-Markovian calculation of absorption spectra, 2d echo-spectra, coherences and polulation dynamics for light-harvesting complexes.

  4. Exciton Annihilation Simulator

    Tools | 12 Dec 2012 | Contributor(s):: Michael Heiber

    Simulates exciton-exciton annihilation behavior of organic semiconductors measured by pump-probe spectroscopy

  5. Chih-Wei Lai


  6. Energy and Nanoscience A More Perfect Union

    Online Presentations | 27 Mar 2009 | Contributor(s):: Mark Ratner

    Huge problems of energy and sustainability confront the science/engineering community, mankind, and our planet. The energy problem comes in many dimensions, including supply, demand, conservation, transportation, and storage. This overview will stress the nature of these problems, and offer a few...