Tags: differential equations

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  1. Analyzing Correlation Structure in a Model of Neural Activity-Dependent Homeostatic Plasticity (ADHP)

    13 Dec 2022 | Contributor(s):: Stolting, Lindsay, Waldow, Grant Christian

    Users can manipulate the parameters of an abstract model of ADHP and analyze the correlation structures that arise (or don't arise) as a result.

  2. S R V Prasad Bhuvanagiri

    I am a Mathematician working in the areas of Mathematical Biology and Mathematical Ecology. My research interests include Theoretical Biological Control, Mathematical Bio-economics and...


  3. Discretization of Elliptic Differential Equations Using Sparse Grids and Prewavelets

    Online Presentations | 04 Feb 2016 | Contributor(s):: Christoph Pflaum

    Sparse grids can be used to discretize second order elliptic differential equations on a d-dimensional cube. Using Galerkin discretization, we obtain a linear equation system with  unknowns. The corresponding discretization error is  in the -norm. A major difficulty in...