Visualization of and Educational Tool for Quantum Dots

By Aaron Christensen1; Adrian Rios1

1. University of Texas at El Paso

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Faculty Advisor(s): Ebert, Klimeck, Qiao

Quantum dots (QDs) are confined structures made of metals and semiconductors that are capable of containing free electrons.The ability to visualize these small devices is advantageous in determining probable electron orbitals and in observing information not easily conceived in raw datasets. Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD) is employed to render visuals of the given datasets and to produce iso-surfaces that portray the wave function and various representations of QD structures. An iso-surface is a thin surface that is generated in accordance to its iso-value; whereas, an iso-value is a user-defined value of interest. Important objectives of this project are to load datasets with numerous amounts of atoms, to create and generate video clips, and to develop an online educational instrument that provides information in an uncomplicated manner. This online resource provides information on definitions, fabrication, applications, demonstrations, and methods describing the implementation of visualization.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Aaron Christensen, Adrian Rios (2004), "Visualization of and Educational Tool for Quantum Dots,"

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