Feasibility of Molecular Assemblers

By LaDawn Biddle

Morgan State University

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Faculty Advisor(s): Melloch, Reifenberger, Guo

Molecular manufacturing is expected to be the Industrial Revolution of the 21st century. Essentially all mechanized products are anticipated to be improved with the use of molecular assemblers. However, speculation of the feasibility of such assemblers is widely becoming a more popular issue of molecular manufacturing than the actual assemblers themselves. Resistance to this idea of nanotechnology is largely due to the lack of knowledge concerning molecular assembly. Through the use of an educational website, basic concepts of molecular assembly will be addressed and both speculation for and against molecular manufacturing will provided. This website is intended to increase the general knowledge in this field of nanotechnology and provide insight of whether molecular assembly will brevolutionary form of technology in the 21st century.

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • LaDawn Biddle (2004), "Feasibility of Molecular Assemblers," https://nanohub.org/resources/739.

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