ECE 612 Lecture 22: CMOS Circuit Essentials

By Mark Lundstrom

Purdue University

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Outline: 1) The CMOS inverter, 2) Speed, 3) Power, 4) Circuit performance, 5) Metrics, 6) Limits.

This lecture is an overview of CMOS circuits. For a more detailed presentation, the following lectures from the Fall 2006 teaching of this course should be viewed:
Lecture 24: CMOS Circuits, Part I (Fall 2006)
Lecture 25: CMOS Circuits, Part II (Fall 2006)
Lecture 26: CMOS Limits (Fall 2006)

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Mark Lundstrom (2008), "ECE 612 Lecture 22: CMOS Circuit Essentials,"

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EE 117, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
