The United States and India: Two Giant Democracies

By Pankaj Sharma

Purdue University



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Prof. Rao, the chairman of the Science Advisory Council to India's prime minister is the keynote speaker at Purdue University's Discovery Lecture Series event on June 18, outlining how India is reaching out to the international research community. Dr. Gail Cassell, Eli Lilly and Co.'s vice president for scientific affairs and the company's distinguished research scholar for infectious diseases will then give a presentation on how the United States is responding to the need for more college graduates in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Dr. Arabinda Mitra, executive director of the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum, also will discuss funding opportunities for bilateral research activities between the United States and India.

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  • Pankaj Sharma (2008), "The United States and India: Two Giant Democracies,"

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In This Workshop

  1. Today's Scientific Scenario and Tomorrow's Challenges: The Case for India

    Online Presentations | 09 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s): C.N.R. Rao

    It is instructive and useful to examine the state of science in the country after 60 years of independence. What one sees is a curious mixture of successes and disappointments, and yet, one cannot but marvel at the great imagination of Pandit Nehru and the Parliament for having committed India to...

  2. Funding Opportunities for Bilateral Activities between USA and India

    Online Presentations | 09 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s): Arabinda Mitra