From Qiskit Metal to Direct-Write Lithography

By Onri Jay Benally

Nano Magnetism & Quantum Spintronics Lab, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN



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This tutorial covers the use of Qiskit Metal tools in Python to generate design layouts of quantum devices, proceeded by direct-write lithography exposure. The example provided below was performed on electron-beam lithography equipment (EBPG series) from Raith Nanofabrication to demonstrate the feasibility of integrating Qiskit Metal into the automated manufacturing of qubits. 


Onri leads a team of quantum hardware engineers at the University of Minnesota. His background is in nanofabrication engineering and quantum spintronics, with a focus on quantum hardware engineering. PhD (Expected 2026).


Onri Jay Benally


Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Qiskit_Metal,
    author = {Minev, Zlatko K and McConkey, Thomas G and Drysdale, Jeremy and Shah, Priti and Wang, Dennis and Facchini, Marco and Harper, Grace and Blair, John and Zhang, Helena and Lanzillo, Nick and Mukesh, Sagarika and Shanks, Will and Warren, Chris and Gambetta, Jay M},
    title = {{Qiskit Metal: An Open-Source Framework for Quantum Device Design {&} Analysis}},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4618153},
    url = {}

  • Onri Jay Benally (2023), "From Qiskit Metal to Direct-Write Lithography,"

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