Maxwell's Equations Based on New Discoveries in Material Physics

By deepalakshmi chandrasekaran

Anna university, Chennai, India



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This paper briefs about the changes in the fundamental nature of Maxwell equations based on the upcoming discoveries and inventions in material science .Especially, regarding the curl nature of electric field not equal to zero in the case of negative perimittivity and divergence of magnetic field not equal to zero in the case of negative permeability which leads to the surprising effect of the existence of magnetic monopoles.


I am Deepalakshmi Chandrasekaran.Contributed a few works regarding negative capacitance and negative resistance.Been a member of nano hub for 10 years.


Credits go to Prof.Supriyo Datta, my Guru.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • deepalakshmi chandrasekaran (2023), "Maxwell's Equations Based on New Discoveries in Material Physics,"

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