MNT-CURN Letters of Recommendation

By Justice Charnae Robinson1; Sophia Barber2; Paula Kirya2; Jared Ashcroft3; The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center4

1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2. University of California San Diego 3. Pasadena City College 4. Pasadena City College, Pasadena ,CA

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This slideshow provides advice and an overview for students asking for letters of recommendation. Created for the 2022-2023 MNT-CURN cohort.

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This work was made possible by the Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC), a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Center through DUE grant #2000281.  Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and creators, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.  

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Justice Charnae Robinson, Sophia Barber, Paula Kirya, Jared Ashcroft, The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center (2023), "MNT-CURN Letters of Recommendation,"

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