Birth of the Transistor: Bell Labs, Purdue, and the Second World War

By Michael J. Manfra

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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Semiconductors at Purdue in the 1940’s and the invention of the transistor at Bell Labs.


Mike Manfra Professor Manfra joined the faculty of Purdue in 2009 after working for 10 years in the Semiconductor Physics Department of Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill New Jersey. He obtained his PhD from Boston University in 1999 and his AB degree from Harvard University in 1992. His current research interests include molecular beam epitaxy of ultra-high purity semiconductors, topological phases of matter, electronic transport at low temperatures and high magnetic fields in mesoscopic structures and quantum computing. When not in the laboratory, Prof. Manfra can be found in his woodworking shop turning fine lumber into sawdust.

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  • Michael J. Manfra (2023), "Birth of the Transistor: Bell Labs, Purdue, and the Second World War,"

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121 Burton Morgan, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
