A Boron Solution

By Carl Boyd1; Rice University2; NEWT Center3; Mariana Quinn4

1. Cypress Fairbanks ISD, Houston, TX 2. , Houston, TX 3. NanoEnabled Water Treatment (NEWT) ERC 4. Office of STEM Engagement, Rice University, Houston, TX



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What is a hexagonal Boron Nitride hBNs coating?

This project focuses on developing a method for layering hBN coats on materials for their ability to prevent corrosion and abrasion.

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Rice University, Nano-Enabled Water Treatment National Science Foundation (NSF) award #EEC-1449500

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Carl Boyd, Rice University, NEWT Center, Mariana Quinn (2022), "A Boron Solution," https://nanohub.org/resources/36301.

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