Nanosphere Electrostatics Lab Tutorial

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Accurate knowledge of ionic structure & dynamics is critical to study nanoparticle dynamics. Nanoparticles are polarized in most solvents. Simulating the dynamics of ions near polarizable nanoparticles is challenging: Need to solve Poisson equation at every timestep. Accurate knowledge of effective charge of nanoparticles (NPs) and ionic structure near NPs is useful in the design of engineered nanocontainers for biological applications. This information also enables the understanding of nanoscale phenomena such as protein conformational changes, DNA precipitation, NP self-assembly, stability of emulsions, and charging/discharging processes in supercapacitor systems. This presentation will walk the viewer through how this application addresses these important issues.

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  • Jayanath Chamindu Sandanuwan Kadupitiya Kadupitige, Ballard, Joshua Brendan (2019), "Nanosphere Electrostatics Lab Tutorial,"

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