Quantum Computers for Chemistry

By Kenneth R. Brown

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC

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Quantum computers use the rules of quantum mechanics to perform tasks algorithmically faster than conventional computers. One promising future application is the calculation of properties of molecules. In this talk, I will describe the current state of the art of chemistry on a quantum computer and explain why quantum error correction will likely be required for quantum computers to outperform conventional machines in this domain. I will present experimental results demonstrating chemistry calculations and error correction with trapped atomic ions.


Kenneth R. Brown

Prof. Brown received is BS in 1998 from University Puget Sound and his Ph.D. in 2003 from the University of California at Berkeley.

His research interest is the control of quantum systems for both understanding the natural world and developing new technologies. His current research areas are the development of robust quantum computers and the study of molecular properties at cold and ultracold temperatures.

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  • Kenneth R. Brown (2019), "Quantum Computers for Chemistry," https://nanohub.org/resources/30983.

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