Engineering a Superconducting Quantum Computer

By Zijun "Jimmy" Chen

Google, Inc.

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Quantum computers are on the cusp of being able to perform computations that are intractable for classical computers - a milestone known as “quantum supremacy.” Superconducting qubits have been at the forefront of building scalable quantum computers because they can leverage traditional integrated circuit technology to manufacture large numbers of qubits. Nevertheless, scaling up remains challenging in many areas ranging from fabrication and packaging to classical electronics and software. In this talk, I will discuss Google’s efforts to tackle these challenges and engineer a large scale quantum processor. I will also show our latest results on achieving high fidelity single and two qubit operations on these devices, and discuss the prospects for achieving quantum supremacy.

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  • Zijun "Jimmy" Chen (2019), "Engineering a Superconducting Quantum Computer,"

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