Biosensors for Food and Healthcare

By Lia Stanciu

Materials Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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Lia Stanciu Lia Stanciu joind Purdue as a Professor of Materials Engineering in 2005. Prior she was at the National Center for Macromolecular Imaging, Baylor College of Medicine, where she was a Postdoctoral Associate doing research on cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction of biological molecules. Lia received a B.S. in Chemistry from University of Bucharest in 1995, followed by a M.S. in Chemistry in 1996 from the same University. She worked as a researcher in Materials Chemistry for four years before starting her Ph.D. in Materials Engineering at University of California at Davis in 1999. Her research topic was the electrical field effects on nanomaterials processing. Lia received her Ph.D. in Material Engineering in December 2003.

Lia Stanciu research interest are in the area of chemical synthesis of biologically inspired materials, biosensor, and biocatalyst platforms development, election microscopy of biomolecules, solid oxide fuel cells and high temperature ceramic processing. With a focus on understanding the biological-inorganic materials interactions, biosensors and biomaterials research, electron microscopy of neurologically relevant proteins, and materials processing under an electrical field application.

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  • Lia Stanciu (2019), "Biosensors for Food and Healthcare,"

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Burton Morgan, Room 121, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN