Unit Cells and Crystal Structures

By Kristi Jean; Deb Newberry (editor)1; James Marti (editor)2; Nano Link3

1. Dakota County Technical College/Nano-Link: Center for Nanotechnology Education/Hysitron 2. University of Minnesota 3. Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Dakota County Technical College, Rosemount, MN

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In this module students create a saturated solution using borax, sodium acetate, and copper sulfate. Upon drying, each crystal will have a different shape. The shape at the macro level is driven by the arrangement of atoms. This repeating arrangement of atoms is the defining characteristic of a crystal structure, and is based on the geometry of the fundamental unit cell.  Students may introduce other chemicals to change the resulting structure. This module serves as a good introduction to crystal structures supplementing the typical ball and stick models.

This resource contains multiple documents for download including a Teachers Guide and Presentation Slides. To view a list of all documents click on the Supporting Docs tab.

Disponible en Español: Celdas Unitarias y Estructuras de Cristal.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Kristi Jean, Deb Newberry, James Marti, Nano Link (2018), "Unit Cells and Crystal Structures," https://nanohub.org/resources/28897.

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kim Grady

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