Bimetric Theory of Fractional Quantum Hall States

By Andrey Gromov

Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

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In this talk, I will motivate and describe the recently developed bimetric theory of fractional quantum Hall states. This effective theory includes the Chern-Simons theory that describes the topological properties of the fractional quantum Hall states and an action a la bimetric gravity that describes the massive Girvin-MacDonald-Platzman mode. The theory reproduces the universal features of chiral lowest Landau level (LLL) FQH states which lie beyond the TQFT data, such as the projected static structure factor and the GMP algebra. The LLL projection and particle-hole ``symmetry'' are particularly transparent. Familiar quantum Hall observables acquire a curious geometric interpretation in the bimetric language.

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  • Andrey Gromov (2017), "Bimetric Theory of Fractional Quantum Hall States,"

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