Job Interview Jepordy

By Tim Luzader

Center for Career Opportunities, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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This interactive session utilizes a game-based format to address strategies for effective interviewing with employers. Each of the four stages of interviewing, including interview preparation, the day of the interview, the interview experience itself, and interview follow-up will be covered.


Tim Luzader Tim Luzader, is director of the Center for Career Opportunities at Purdue University.

The CCO assists students in their career decision-making and job search processes. More than 12,000 students each year receive individual assistance on a walk-in or pre-scheduled appointment basis, and at least that many involved in employer interviews hosted by the center.

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  • Tim Luzader (2016), "Job Interview Jepordy,"

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1010 Armstrong, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
