Some Lessons on Entrepreneurship in Nanotechnology (and, Mechanical Engineers do 'nano', too)

By Timothy S Fisher

Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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Nanotechnology is one of the hottest buzzwords in science, engineering, and business startups. Professor Tim Fisher will talk about his brief excursion into starting (and stopping) a company, with a focus on lessons learned that are related to education and academic research. He will also try to convince a likely skeptical audience that mechanical engineers have something valuable to contribute to nanotechnology (hint: the second part might be related to the first more than you think).

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Timothy S Fisher (2016), "Some Lessons on Entrepreneurship in Nanotechnology (and, Mechanical Engineers do 'nano', too),"

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Discovery Learning Center, Room 131, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
