A Primer on Semiconductor Fundamentals

By Mark Lundstrom

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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This primer quickly summarize some important semiconductor fundamentals. For those acquainted with semiconductors, this may be useful as a brief refresher. For those just getting started with semiconductors, my hope is that this primer provides just enough understanding to allow you to begin exploring semiconductor devices. A much deeper understanding of semiconductor fundamentals will be necessary to get very far in this device field. The two references below are good places to start.

For an introduction to semiconductor fundamentals and to semiconductor devices, see:
[1] Robert F. Pierret Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, 1996.
For a more advanced treatment of semiconductor fundamentals:
[2] Robert F. Pierret Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals, 2nd Ed., Vol. VI, Modular Series on Solid-State Devices, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J., USA, 2003.

A lecture on this material can be view at Quick Review of Semiconductor Fundamentals

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Mark Lundstrom (2016), "A Primer on Semiconductor Fundamentals," https://nanohub.org/resources/23368.

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