Bismide Semiconductors: Revolutionising Telecom Lasers

By Muhammad Usman1; Christopher A Broderick2; Eoin P O'reilly3

1. University of Melbourne 2. University of Bristol UK 3. Tyndall National Institute, Ireland



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Today’s telecomm lasers are plagued with Auger-related losses, which significantly reduce their efficiency and make device cooling essential. We are proposing a radical change in the laser technology by developing a new class of materials, bismide semiconductors. These novel nanomaterials can efficiently suppress the Auger-related loss mechanisms and therefore can lead to the realization of highly efficient and temperature stable GaAs-based photonic devices operating at telecomm and longer wavelengths, saving about 80% of the wasted input electrical power in the traditional laser devices. This talk will provide an overview of our work on these new class of semiconductor materials which is being done as part of the European Union project, BIANCHO. In the first part of the talk, I would summarize current laser technology and highlight the role of Auger losses in degrading the device efficiency. This will be followed by a detailed theoretical overview of the bismide semiconductors and their unique electronic and optical characteristics leading to the recent demonstration of the world’s first bismide laser. Overall, the presented results would illustrate the wide flexibility which bismide alloys offer for the design and implementation of high efficiency photonic devices with reduced temperature sensitivity. 


[1] M. Usman, C.A. Broderick, A. Lindsay, E.P. O’Reilly, Physical Review B. 84, 245202, 2011 

[2] C.A. Broderick, M. Usman, S.J. Sweeney, E.P. O’Reilly, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 27, 094011, 2012 

[3] M. Usman, et al., Physical Review B 87, 115104, 2013 

[4] C.A. Broderick, M. Usman, E.P. O’Reilly, Physica Status Solidi (b) 250, No. 4, 773-778, 2013 

[5] P. Ludewig et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 242115, 2013 

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  • Muhammad Usman, Christopher A Broderick, Eoin P O'reilly (2015), "Bismide Semiconductors: Revolutionising Telecom Lasers,"

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