Modular Approach to Spintronics

By Kerem Yunus Camsari

Purdue University



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There has been enormous progress in the last two decades, effectively combining spintronics and magnetics into a powerful force that is shaping the field of memory devices. New materials and phenomena continue to be discovered at an impressive rate, providing an ever-increasing set of building blocks that could be exploited in designing transistor-like functional devices of the future. The objective of this thesis is to provide a quantitative foundation for this building block approach, so that new discoveries can be integrated into functional device concepts, quickly analyzed and critically evaluated. Through careful benchmarking against available theory and experiments we establish a set of elemental modules representing diverse materials and phenomena. These elemental modules can be integrated seamlessly to model composite devices involving both spintronic and nanomagnetic phenomena, even when subtle quantum mechanical properties of spin are involved. We envision the library of modules to evolve both by incorporating new modules and by improving existing modules as the field progresses. The primary contribution of this thesis is to establish the ground rules or protocols for a modular approach that can build a lasting bridge between materials scientists and circuit designers in the field of spintronics and nanomagnetics. 


Kerem Yunus Camsari is a post-doctoral research associate at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Purdue) working with Prof. Supriyo Datta. His thesis has focused on establishing the “Modular Approach to Spintronics”, bringing a wide range of physical methods such as the Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function (NEGF) method, spin diffusion (Valet-Fert) equations for transport, and LLG for magnet dynamics into a unified framework. Along with the development of the Modular Approach which has been published in Nature Scientific Reports, he has also focused on compact modeling for Magnetic Tunnel Junctions which has been featured in IEDM (2014). He has been funded as a graduate student by Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces, and Novel Architectures (C-SPIN) since the center’s inception in 2012. He is a curator and co-developer of the spintronics library presented in: ( 


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  • Kerem Yunus Camsari (2015), "Modular Approach to Spintronics,"

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