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    Mario Cyril Pinto

    3.0 out of 5 stars

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    5.0 out of 5 stars

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    2.0 out of 5 stars

    The noise system definitely needs to be improved.

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    0.0 out of 5 stars

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    satyadhar joshi

    5.0 out of 5 stars

    no words left with me, this is really awesome and great , i love nanohub

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    Scott Warren

    3.0 out of 5 stars

    Excess background static makes hearing quite difficult throughout the presentation. Also, throughout the presentation there is loud paper shuffling, coughing, and other sounds that appear to come from the microphone being places a bit too close to some noisy students. The difficulty in hearing forced me to turn the volume up, and by the end of the presentation, between coughing, static, and increased volume I had quite the headache. I could of times a loud BANG even made me jump as I was listening!

    I thought that the presentation did a great job explaining the “real transistorsâ€? section. It is a confusing concept, and I definitely needed to pause and think a few times, but it is all presented logically and, with a little effort, goes down quite smoothly in the end.

    I found the circuit diagram of a CMOS inverter to be difficult to decipher. I found myself sometimes unable to relate the words heard to the diagram. I think it would help if it was more interactive – if the diagram could display the high and low voltages and show how what currents flow as a result of different voltages… it would probably take time to implement, but it would be a lot better than hearing the speaker say “and this goes hereâ€? and wondering where here is! The important thing is that I understand the theory, and I do, but the inquisitive sort of mind that would find itself on nanohub always yearns to understand better.

    There is a bit of inconsistency in the lecture between the section on voltage (“voltageâ€? slide #3) and the section on MOSFET energy bands. The voltage slide has a disgram which implies that the positive end of a battery has the higher voltage, and that electrons at the higher voltage have more energy. However, the MOSFET slide states that higher voltages yield electrons with lower energies. I believe this to be due to misstatements with respect to “positive charge carriersâ€? and electrons. I’ve always been confused as to why EE math is done with positive charge carriers, so I am probably a little more sensitive to this sort of confusion, but it really does undermine my basic understanding of voltage with respect to transistors.

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    Mark Lundstrom

    4.0 out of 5 stars

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