Gavriel Salvendy 2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Industrial Engineering: Laser and Photonic Systems and Innovations for Better Quality of Life

By gary cheng1; Shimon Y. Nof1; Andrew M Weiner2

1. Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 2. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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Purdue Industrial Engineering (IE)’s Evolution and Frontiers Program is a continuous, collaborative process to create (with additional colleagues internal and external to Purdue) updates and improvements of our thinking and inspiration about the profession’s evolution and impacts.

As part of this effort, the Gavriel Salvendy International Symposium on Frontiers in IE is organized once every two or three years. The goal is to invite a select group of leading experts, IE and non-IE, to focus on one particular visionary theme of major promise. Deliverables include a journal white paper and a book published by Taylor and Francis on the results, overview, and research and action agenda.

This symposium's particular emphasis will be to identify research frontiers where industrial engineering has the potential to contribute to lasers, optics and photonics applications in manufacturing, health care, and security and communications.

By bringing together leading lasers and photonics scientists and technologists with talented industrial engineers, we hope to stimulate new thinking that would bring a systems perspective to bear on laser and photonic systems applications. Through expert presentations by world leaders and panel discussions, we will challenge ourselves to explore opportunities for revolutionary systematization of laser and photonic technologies towards addressing and accelerating solutions of the grand engineering challenges. A particular emphasis will be to identify research frontiers where industrial engineering has the potential to contribute to lasers, optics, and photonics applications in fields such as manufacturing, health care, security, and communications.

Realizing that laser and photonic technologies have already impacted solutions across many critical sectors, we are seeking to ask how industrial and systems engineering perspectives, such as systems integration, optimization, process simulation, cyber-supported collaboration and supervisory control, among others, can accelerate this systematization, and inspire new concepts, models, methods and significant quality improvements. We would also like to ask what such discussion implies for industrial engineers and for laser and photonics technologists in terms of near-term and long-term methodological innovations, research and action agenda, and educational programs.

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The symposium is sponsored in part by Professor Emeritus Gavriel Salvendy, who was a professor in Purdue's School of Industrial Engineering from 1971 until retiring in 2008, and is a tribute to his many contributions to industrial engineering. A member of the National Academy of Engineering, Salvendy has also been a Founding Chair Professor and Department Head at Tsinghua University, has published over 500 research publications and authored/edited 36 books. Among his many awards, he received the John Fritz Medal which is the engineering profession’s highest award for his "fundamental international and seminal leadership and technical contributions to human engineering and industrial engineering education, theory, and practice".

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • gary cheng, Shimon Y. Nof, Andrew M Weiner (2012), "Gavriel Salvendy 2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Industrial Engineering: Laser and Photonic Systems and Innovations for Better Quality of Life,"

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Stewart Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


In This Workshop

  1. Shaping Ultrafast Laser Fields for Photonic Signal Processing

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  3. In Living Motion: Imaging Cellular Function in Live Tissues

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  4. Opportunities of Lasers for Scalable Manufacturing of Solar Energy Devices

    Online Presentations | 21 Aug 2012 | Contributor(s): Gary Cheng

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