Nanoelectronics and the Future of Microelectronics

By Mark Lundstrom

Purdue University


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Progress in silicon technology continues to outpace the historic pace of Moore's Law, but the end of device scaling now seems to be only 10-15 years away. As a result, there is intense interest in new, molecular-scale devices that might complement a basic silicon platform by providing it with new capabilities - or that might even replace Silicon technology and allow device scaling to continue to the atomic scale. As the science of nanoelectronics continues to advance rapidly; it's time to begin thinking seriously about how to turn the promise of nanoscience into practical nanotechnologies. This question is particularly relevant at Purdue with the current launch of the NASA-funded Institute for Nanoelectronics and Computing, whose mission is to make progress towards integrated nanoelectronic systems. My objective in this talk is to start a discussion on the role that nanoelectronics can play in future electronic systems. I'll begin with a brief review of where Si is and where it is heading. Next, I'll show how the nanoscale MOSFET can be thought of as a true nanoelectronic device and then examine several promising devices. The talk will end with some thoughts on the future of electronics and of the importance of engaging the circuit and system design communities in work on integrated nanosystems.

For a more current version of this talk please see Nanoelectronics: The New Frontier?

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  • Mark Lundstrom (2002), "Nanoelectronics and the Future of Microelectronics,"

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