[Illinois] Cancer Community Symposium 2012: Panel Discussion

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Please join us for a panel discussion on the social impact of cancer and how it affects patients, providers, clinicians, and researchers alike. We are fortunate to feature Leslie Hammersmith (moderator), Jennifer Smith, and Patience Anders from the local Young Survival Coalition, as well as an oncology nurse navigator, clinician, and researcher (names TBA). This diverse panel will discuss themes surrounding cancer diagnosis, care, and research, and we welcome the audience to contribute and participate throughout the event. Issues to be discussed include: (1) Patient Experience, (2) Clinical Strategies, (3) Research Motivation. Truly, this will be an informative and exploratory event for participants of all backgrounds. We hope this panel discussion will result in a highly interactive and dynamic dialogue between the panelists and members of the audience.


Cancer Community At Illinois Symposium 2012

April 5-6, 2012: Connecting patient care, research, and scientific advancement

Symposium Premise
This on-campus research symposium aims to bring together members of campus and the surrounding community to foster interdisciplinary discussions on cancer research and its affects on patient care. In order to increase understanding and awareness, we will discuss in an open forum with research talks, poster presentations, and panel discussions. We invite community members, clinicians, and researchers from UIUC and other Midwest regional institutions from departments ranging from the social sciences to basic sciences to engineering and medicine.
The symposium features invited talks from nationally-recognized cancer researchers, oral presentations from UIUC faculty and students, and poster sessions. We encourage student researchers from UIUC and from other regional schools to apply (travel awards are available).

About CC@I Symposium
The Cancer Community at Illinois (CC@I) Symposium is organized by a group of students on the University of Illinois campus to bridge the areas of social science, basic sciences to engineering and medicine as they relate to cancer. The symposium mission is to: 1) Facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and understanding that transcends established departmental affiliation; 2) Foster an increased understanding of the social and environmental factors affecting patients; and 3) Develop unique vantage points afforded by interactive dialogue between and among the various cancer research disciplines. In order to accomplish this, the symposium will engage the local patient community through use of the nascent social and support efforts of the Mills Breast Cancer Institute, Carle Hospital, and regional clinical collaborators.
If you are interested in other CC@I events or the program in general, please contact cancer-community@illinois.edu

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • (2012), "[Illinois] Cancer Community Symposium 2012: Panel Discussion," https://nanohub.org/resources/13945.

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Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL


Obaid Sarvana, NanoBio Node

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
