The Elusive Spin Transistor

By Supriyo Datta

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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This presentation is a short introductory tutorial on spin-transistors.

This presentation preceeded Dr. Koo's presentation "Control of Spin Precession in a Datta-Das Transistor Structure".


Supriyo Datta Supriyo Datta received his B.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur, India in 1975 and his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1979. In 1981, he joined Purdue University, where he is (since 1999) the Thomas Duncan Distinguished Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He started his career in the field of ultrasonics and was selected by the Ultrasonics group as its outstanding young engineer to receive an IEEE Centennial Key to the Future Award and by the ASEE to receive the Terman Award for his book on Surface Acoustic Wave Devices.

Since 1985 he has focused on current flow in nanoscale electronic devices and is well-known for his contributions to spin electronics and molecular electronics. Datta’s most important contribution, however, is the approach his group has pioneered for the description of quantum transport far from equilibrium, combining the non-equlibrium Green function (NEGF) formalism of many-body physics with the Landauer formalism from mesoscopic physics as described in his books Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems (Cambridge, 1995), and Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor (Cambridge, 2005).

Datta’s unique approach to the problem of quantum transport has not only had a significant impact on nanoelectronics research but also on graduate and undergraduate curriculum development in the area. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) as well as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and has received IEEE Technical Field Awards both for research and for graduate teaching.

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  • Supriyo Datta (2011), "The Elusive Spin Transistor,"

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