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yan hai yang

how to draw amplitude vs normalized frequency

how to draw amplitude vs normalized frequency

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2 Responses

  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Daniel Kiracofe

    I assume you are talking about the Frequency Modulated Approach Curves tool, or the Frequency Moduluated Scanning Tool. Actually, there is no good way to plot normalized frequency in those tools. The only option is to plot in kHz. For now the only way to plot normalized frequency would be to download the results, import into excel, and do the normalization manually.

    It would be useful to have an option for normalized frequency. We will add that to the next version. We could probably have that out in a week or two.

    Daniel Kiracofe

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  2. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    John Melcher

    Perhaps it is worth mentioning that you can always download the .csv file from the menu at the upper right-hand corner of the simulator and proceed to make custom plots on your local machine.


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