Questions and Answers

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Shaikh S. Ahmed

Why do I not see option for choosing different crystal directions for bulk materials?

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Points Breakdown points Details
* Activity points are calculated based on summing up the weighted number of answers, recommendations and answer votes. Read further details.
Activity* 35
Bonus 500
Total market value 535 total
Asker will earn 12 1/3 of activity points
Asker will pay 500 Reward for best answer assigned by asker
Best answer may earn 512 — 523 Up to 2/3 of activity points plus the bonus

1 Responses

  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Saumitra Raj Mehrotra

    Bulk bandstructure is already calculated along the high symmetry points. An additional feature of bulk bandstructure along user specified directions can be added.

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