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George Pau

Why does the potential show a singularity at the location where the boundary condition changes from Dirichlet to Neumann?

At the gate side, there is a change of boundary condition from Dirichlet to Neumann as we move from the gate to the insulator. Mathematically, this will lead to a singularity in the solution when we solve the poisson equation. Is there a reason why I am not seeing that in the solution generated by omenwire?

Thanks, George

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3 Responses

  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    SungGeun Kim

    For this, I am not sure. I will get back to you after looking for a person who can answer.


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  2. 0 Dislike

    SungGeun Kim

    Sorry for the late answer. While I was asking people about this, nobody seems to have answer on this. However, to clarify the question, in what plot, would you expect to see the singularity? Because there is no cross-sectional plot for electro-static potential, it is very natural that you cannot see any singularity.

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  3. 0 Like 2 Dislike

    Carlos Malheiro


    Well maybe just feed the polos with electrons I thing with a charge of 5 kilotons, and to reach to neumann just adjust the location and adjucation of the forces introducing an electromagnectic combustion with a ph of 30 positive and also ions of 900 megatons



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