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George Pau

boundary conditions for the poisson equation

I have simulated a case where Vg = 0.4V and Vd =0V. However, when I look at the potential plot, it appears that the potential at the boundary where the gate is 0V. Is it simply a plotting error, or is Vg not applied directly? If Vg is not applied directly, what is the boundary condition at the gate? Is the poisson equation solved for the whole domain or only in the silicon and excluding the oxide?

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    SungGeun Kim

    To the extent I understand, you are questioning that the potential at the gate is 0V even when the Vg=0.4V. The electrostatic potential is set to 0V at the gate and the potential at another place is defined the voltage applied relatively to the gate like this phi®=Vgate-V® if you looking at the 3D potential plot, where phi® is the electrostatic potential at r and V® is the voltage applied at r. Thank you.

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1 Responses

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    Benjamin P Haley

    The Poisson solution considers the whole system, including the oxide. I will have to examine the potential plot to answer the rest of your question.

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