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the tight binding calculations do not yet allow for a change in effective masses

It would be great if the tool would also allow for changing effective masses along the device. Barrier materials have typically different effective masses from well materials. It would also be interesting to show that a spatially varying effective mass can confine electrons as well, even if there were no barriers – somewhat academic, but still neat.

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    Samarth Agarwal

    Ver 1.1.8 onwards a user can change effective mass along the device.

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2 Responses

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    Samarth Agarwal

    The suggestion has been noted. It will be incorporated in a future release.

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  2. 0 Dislike

    Benjamin P Haley

    Hi, Thanks for your interest in the nanoHUB. Your request has been added to the NCN @ Purdue tool wish list, at

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