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ibtihel chaabane

Perform multiple runs by changing specific parameters

hello there,

I would like to run the simulations changing one of the parameters many times for instance, the real and imaginary part of the index of refraction.  I have a list of values that I would like to run but Im not sure if they cqn be included in the XML file to run them one by one in the simulation in an automated fashion.

If this cqn be done, could you let me know with the appropriate syntaxis to write the XML file. I was thinking in the following, but not sure if its correct.

In the section I find the definition of the parameters for each of my segments, which looks like this :




Can include the tag  to make it look like the following (please ignore the values, they are for illustration purposes only):







Ideally, I have a list of values that cannot be used using the step function since the index of refraction has not a linear dependence with wavelength. So can I include my list in the XML file instead????

All help will be greatly appreciated.  Cheers!!!

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