Tags: Uncertainty Propagation

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  1. Aytekin Gel


  2. Reproducing results from "PUQ: a code for non-intrusive uncertainty propagation in computer simulations"

    Papers | 27 Mar 2015 | Contributor(s):: Martin Hunt, Marisol Koslowski, Alejandro Strachan

    In this document we use the nanoPLASTICITY in nanoHUB to reproduce results of the paper "PUQ: a code for non-intrusive uncertainty propagation in computer simulations" to be published in Computer Physics Communications. The paper abstract follows. We present a software package for the...

  3. Ilias Bilionis

    Dr. Ilias Bilionis is an Assistant Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University. His research is motivated by energy and material science applications and it focuses on the...


  4. Andrew Dienstfrey


  5. Uncertainty Quantification in Materials Modeling


    This nanoHUB user group is associated with the Workshop Uncertainty Quantification in Materials Modeling to be held at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA July 28-31,...
