Tags: interactions

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  1. Understanding COVID-19 Infection, Immune Response, and Drug Therapy through Multiscale, Multicellular Modeling and Simulation

    Online Presentations | 10 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s):: T.J. Sego

    This workshop presents an open-source Python- and XML-scripted multiscale modeling and simulation framework of an epithelial tissue infected by a virus, a simplified cellular immune response and viral and immune-induced tissue damage and shows how to use it to model basic patterns of infection...

  2. Cross-Link Polymer

    Teaching Materials | 16 Apr 2020 | Contributor(s):: Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Deb Newberry, Billie Copley, Jim Marti (editor), Laura Arndt (editor)

    This module allows students to investigate forces and interactions at the molecular scale by mixing different liquids with a cross-linked polymer. The polymer (sodium polyacrylate) is similar to the structure found in cellulose and collagen. The interactions are dependent upon the charge...