Tags: aerogels

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  1. Aerogel (Aerogel)

    Teaching Materials | 02 Jul 2020 | Contributor(s):: Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Carol E. Bouvier, James J Marti, Rodfal Alberto Rodriguez (editor), María Teresa Rivera (editor)

    Los aerogeles son las sustancias semisólidas conocidas más livianas que existen. Los aerogeles de sílice o dióxido de silicio (SiO2) tienen la misma estructura química que la arena de sílice o el vidrio de las ventanas, pero tienen diferencias...

  2. Aerogels

    Teaching Materials | 05 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Carol Bouvier, James J Marti, Deb Newberry, Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education

    This module introduces aerogels, nicknamed “blue smoke.” Using exploratory activities this module introduces the nano structure of aerogels and the resulting extreme physical properties exhibited such as: thermal conductivity, transparency, and impact resistance. These properties...